
Sunday, July 16, 2017

Summertime and New Beginings

This past year has been a time for me of reflection.  It has been a time to step back and see where I am going.

I have been working on me.  Who am I?  What makes me burn?  What am I terrified of?  Where am I going?  How will I get there?

Here is what I know so far.  So far, I have learned that I am going go where it is my heart decides I will go.
If I doubt and don't set clear goals, I will just stay right here.

So, I am getting to know my bad ass self and learning that I actually can do whatever it is I want to.  why have I doubted this?  why do I doubt this still? 

Goal #1- feel like the bad ass creative storm that I am ALL of the days, and not just some.

Goal #2- figure out where business and production meets creative freedom and spontaneity and find some balance between them.  I need to be more structured because I am all over the place, but can't imagine creating any other way.  I will figure it out.  

Goal #3- take care of me.  I have really let myself get sick and tired.  I have wrapped myself in pounds of emotion and doubt.  I have filled my blahs with sugar, and sat and sat and sat.  So I am starting small, and not letting myself get disappointed if I can't do what I "think" I should be able to.  Watching the sugar intake, watching the junk, and walking.  After 3 weeks I already feel worlds stronger.  

me and my walking buddy post walk

Goal #4- be more compassionate.  be less judgmental.  Basically, learn to love people.  all people.

Goal #5- let myself be loved.

Goal #6- tune into and listen to my intuition

Yeah, that's!  

It is a process, but I am doing it.  Taking each day to learn something.

so if you wondered why I haven't been working full steam ahead, or been posting much, that is why.  

But I am here, still sketching ideas and working on things here and there.  

Stay tuned for more posts.  I really feel drawn to write more.  Most of all, thank you for following on this journey.  I know many of you have been here, reading since day one, when I went online with my jewelry.  I have gone through so many changes, and I know there will be many more to come.  I love knowing that there is such an amazing creative community out there.  I love being a part of it.

Now, onto some other items on the checklist..........and maybe to catch some fire flies.
Summer Solstice Alter by me

many blessings,


  1. Good luck with your journey. Good for your realizing that a change was needed. Some are comfortable in the niche they have created and fear change. I look forward to experiencing your journey.

  2. Thanks for sharing! Great goals for a lot of us. Well articulated.
