
Monday, June 20, 2016

Summertime Creations

Summertime is a time of adjustment for me.  For example, I have already missed 2 appointments........because I have no idea what day it is!  (I need to start using my phone calendar I think!)  Anyhow..........................

The kids are home, the days are long, and I begin to get lost in everything.

We had a fun day at Dorney Park and Wild Water Kingdom last week, which was a real treat for us (my kids have never been to a real amusement park!!!).

Then, Julia and I took a day and worked on her needle felt kit.  She rocked this little bunny, and we both fell in love with the craft!

Then I had a show last weekend, and it didn't go very well. 

 It was VERY discouraging, since it is like the 3rd show in a row (and some last year) that I didn't do well at.  And I mean, I am not talking about "not where I'd like it to be".  I am talking, some of these shows barely paid for the booth.  UG!  I was really blue.  My jewelry has definitely gotten "artsier" and "weirder" the last couple years.  It is beginning to appeal to a select (narrow) group.  Sadly, with shows bringing less buyers, and less of those buyers being "my customers", I am not doing well, and having trouble figuring out what the next step is for me.  The next level of shows, would be the big ones, the indoor, NYC, Maryland shows, that require travel and fancy indoor pipe and drape.  Not only can I not invest in that, I am not sure I am quite "there" either.

So, I am mulling things over.  I think I need to revamp things, like my website.  I need more signage at shows, to explain what I do.  

To give my brain a break and cheer myself up, I decided to do some linocuts that have been in my brain for far too long.  I Love carving, and have been wanting to take my carving from the beads and back to prints.  I finally gave myself permission to just make them already!!!!  Sometimes, I just need that.  

 This heart with an eye turned out JUST how I wanted it too.  I didn't have sketches.....I did the border first, and thought a heart would fit nice in it, and of course, it needed an eye.  so I sort of winged it, and I am quite happy with how it turned out.

 The prints themselves are just quick practice prints.  I think I will be making more and perhaps offering them at my shows as well.  Can't hurt to try, and they make me happy.  They will also be a lower priced item, which is nice.  I think I am doing good making prints that still match my aesthetic.   

 LOVING this Moonlit Lotus (there are some trilobites in the back as well)

Finally made a stamp for my bags, my heart with wings logo!!!

and here are two prints (still first run, not good inking on them) in frames.  these will go in my studio, all for me!!!

Art really is therapy for me.  I cannot believe how much making a few prints has lifted my spirits.  I will figure out my next step.  It will work out.  when things aren't going well, its time for a change, and change is good.  

Now I must get back to the grind.  I am trying to finish up a new class for Craft Art Edu this week, and it's a FREE one!  You won't want to miss it!!!!

How is your summer going?  Anyone else have summer brain?  I hope next week will have me a bit more plugged in to a schedule.

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