
Thursday, April 14, 2016

David Bowie Blog Hop

It was such a sad day the day we lost Bowie.  He touched so many with his art, his music, his fashion.  

I really found it hard to pick one song, or one thing, or one picture that inspired me to create a piece of jewelry to honor him.  

However, there is a theme that I kept going back to, and that was the stars.

maybe it's because the first Bowie song I loved was Space Oddity.  Maybe its the amazing Sun, or heavenly object he would sometimes adorn himself with.

To me, he was always other worldly.  Whether he was Ziggy, or the Goblin King, or just a man who could wear anything and stand out completely.  He never blended.  He was unique through and through.

My first memory of him was riding in the car with my mom.  My mom was awesome, and she introduced me to all the GREATS of classic rock.  We were always listening to good music.  I remember when Space Oddity came on.  And as I listened, I remember being so very sad at the story.  I asked her if they guy died in space, and she said yes.  I was in love.  It moved me, as music should.  Being an avid reader, with a love of personal stories, that song hit me hard and touched me deeply.  Suddenly, there was a connection.  Any man who could write such a sad and haunting story, in a fashion that makes you love it and want to sing along, is a genius.

So, his celestial quality, and the reemergence of it as a theme in his work inspired my piece.


Maybe its just this...........which sums up Bowie himself perfectly.  He did blow our minds....over and over again.

So I chose this star bead I made out of polymer clay.  I thought the way the gold crackle came across it reminded me of the way he would paint a lightning bolt on his face.

I figured, any piece I made to honor him, would have to be bold!  

I originally wanted to do something really outside of my comfort zone.  However, I felt it was better to make a piece, that was my style, but in honor of him.  It would make a small connection between him and I, and so, here it is!

It is called "Stardust" of course!

I am cleaning today, but I am wearing my fabulous piece and listening Bowie.  

If you want to hop along and see what everyone else has done, check out the links at the bottom of the Love my Art Jewelry blog


  1. LOVE the star bead, Staci, and your necklace is a perfect tribute!

  2. He was such an amazing artist that just listening to him, seeing him, knowing about the this life force of a man that made him make the art he did - just invokes creativity... I love how your work has that bite of life force in it too...

  3. Such an amazing inspiration, I absolutely love how you honored him with this deaigm, it captures the essence of who he was!!!

  4. Such an amazing inspiration, I absolutely love how you honored him with this deaigm, it captures the essence of who he was!!!

  5. I think Bowie would have loved this, it's a beautiful piece and the gold crackle makes it super special!

  6. Gorgeous bead and glad you stuck to your aesthetic to bring him into your world.

  7. I love your necklace. It makes a statement and honors Bowie. Well done!

  8. I love that you went with your own style as to bridge a connection. You captured his essence so well with the star supported by those gorgeous gold pieces... not sure what they are but they're funky and cool. Fits you well too!

  9. Ah. You got outta the PJ's! lol Great post and final pic of your stunning self. xoxo

  10. Staci, This is so cool.... AND you did an incredible job organizing this hop! The idea was really original as are all of the pieces that everyone made!
