Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Wanna Know?

Wanna know what happens while I am making the beads?
Two weeks of kids wash to fold.  Same amount in the hallway that needs to be washed.   I should probably vacuum too.
*sigh*  I am Mom Shaming myself into doing my house work.
We will return to our regularly scheduled program when I get caught up.


  1. You are not alone, my place often looks like that when I have taken several production and kids appt days in a row. I try to set aside about 30 minutes a day to housework, so I don't get quite as far behind, lol.

  2. Wait a few years the shame will fade but the clothes will remain.

  3. Take advantage of your child labor ;)

    1. we do. but they don't fold good at all. they do put them away for me. I dare not look in their drawers. I just like to pretend that they are neat and tidy.

  4. Hehe, I did a laugh out loud when I saw that photo!! My daughter actually had the nerve to ask me one time when was the last time I mopped the kitchen floor!

    The laundrey will wait for you, the sweeping/vacuuming all of it will be there when you have time; don't fret. Being creative is much more fun and satisfying, at least I think so.

    I remember my mom telling me we would give the house "a kiss and a promise" on Saturday mornings. I love that saying. Gives total permission to go do fun stuff.

    As an aside, I get inspiration from your work. I love your style and creativity. Thanks! I am a late bloomer, so close to sixty I can spit on it! Who knew I would discover I love to make pretty things.

    1. I think thats great you have found a joy in making pretty things! You are never too old. I am all but 40 and feel like my life is just begining. Thanks for the advice- I love a kiss and a promise! I will use that.

  5. Remove sofa, Insert Bed. Hey now we're in my bedroom! I get totally get it! I think the biggest reason my husband has not fully recognized my business (besides the fact that I don't pull in money) is because he'd really rather me be cleaning the house than that last copper thing I just hammered. Just when I get caught up my kids come into the studio...Mom, can you do laundry I have no pants or underwear...umm...sorry go look for something clean-ish today! Sigh.
