
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

And the International Winner is.............

Since the Art Bead Love Tour is under way in the USA, I decided to give away one of my new Antique Bible Pendants to one lucky international fan, since you guys don't get to play in the Bead Tour.  I made a list in order of all the entries that were NOT from the USA (some folks entered, who didn't qualify) and chose #3- which is

Louise Turner!!!!

You won this Love Sparrow Pendant!
I will include it with your order, so no need to contact me.  Congrats!!!!!!


  1. Is that from your bible? Very cool!!! Congrats Louise!

  2. Congrats Louise. It's a lovely piece.

  3. Kristi- yes- that is from one of the bibles I got. I have some more pendants in my shop that were made from it. The only thing is they would be huge in bronze, so for this purpose, I am glad the copper clay shrinks more.
