
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sale Extended for the Snow Day

I am going to leave my codes for the earlybird sale active for one more day.  My mind is blown by the fact we are having a White Halloween here in the east.  Its crazy.  My poor trees still have pretty yellow leaves on them.

Anyway- use code earlybird15 in either my jewelry store or my components shop to save 15% plus you get a free gift with every order.  I will be adding some more jewelry throughout the day.

I am kinda thankful for a day inside thought, because I tried using copper clay for the first time.  I usually do bronze, but I am having trouble getting the bronze to solder to things after firing, so I thought the copper would work better.  Well- the verdict is in, and I like it very much.  It think its much easier to work with then the bronze.  It fired nicely, only downside, it shrinks WAY more then the bronze.  I will just have to figure for that next time.  Here is the first batch right outta the carbon.

I did mess up pretty big time and lost some pieces.  I got new carbon, threw my pieces in it and fired up the kiln.  At about 800 degrees I remembered that I hadn't primed the carbon to burn off impurities and mositure.  So I turned it off and let it cool.  I lost a few pieces, I guess the moisture got them and they broke???  My own fault anyway.

I also found these little guys in the bottom of my firing..............wasn't sure what they were, then I realized they were my tiny moon still had the shape, barely.  I guess I melted them.  They were pretty tiny, so I will put them in the middle next time, and cool the firing a few degrees to allow for variance.  Thankfully they were the only ones that melted.  Anyhow, I love how they look, like little metal druzy's or something:)  Happy accident!

I am wondering if I melt more if they will get that green shimmer?  Hmmmm................................

Now I am off to take advantage of this snow day and get some things made....pack up my sale orders and pair them with special gifts, and watch the kids play in the slushy snow!

Happy White Halloween weekend everyone!  Stay warm and safe!


  1. Oh, no, it is way to early for snow. And that looks like a lot of snow. That shrinkage on the copper is the reason I don't use copper anymore. If they could just redo the formula for it like they did with the fast fire bronze, I'd be using it again.

  2. I can't wait to see what they look like all finished Staci!! I've never heard of priming the carbon and I've never done it. I throw it in right out of the container and add more as I need it all the time, no problems in that regard.

  3. the weather is nuts -
    we are getting hail/freezing rain right now, the ocean temps are keeping it from turning to snow at the moment... but overnight they are calling for heavy snow...
    i am dying to try pmc - you have a great attitude...

  4. I love metal clays- but most of all I like to combine them with wire and sheet- and so I am hoping the copper will solder better, but I am not giving up bronze because yes, the shrinkage on the copper is rough, AND I love the look of bronze! I should be finishing them up today and the patina process begins:)

  5. Ok... I agree with you, the little melted moon pieces just look really cool! LOL Thank you for sharing this, I find the whole process absolutely amazing :) Love to watch it!
