
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bead Soup Blog Party The Big Reveal!

Bead Soup Blog Party Reveal Day!!!!

Ok, are you ready with your coffee to begin this hop? Unfortunately I have a huge show this weekend, so I can only hop at night….but I will hop (I promise) and come see what you all made. Waiting is gonna kill me!!!!!

My partner is Tracy Stillman, who lives in Australia. This is the soup she sent me.

I love the texture of the focal bead, and my youngest son is just GAGA about it! He insisted its a pine cone!!! Now, if you know me, this color palette is really bright for me. I stay with earth tones, but, alas, that is what I love about these challenges…………the challenge of it! So when I am faced with something like this, I think about what I can incorporate, that is my own, so that even if the main beads are not true to my style, I can still make it my own somehow.

Since my son was very sad that he couldn’t have the pine cone bead (he is a bit of a bead lover at 4 years old already!) he asked if he could have one of the cane beads, and I said I’d make him a pendant with it. I also didn’t use the clasp in my main piece, so I made a bracelet to match the pendant and gave it to my wonderful daughter, who is soooo happily wearing it! Here is the set I made them below.
Yeah- they are pretty spoiled in the jewelry department!

OK- so, back to the focal, love it, and though I wanted it to be a dragons egg, my son insisted it was a pine cone. OK, I caved, pine cone it is. I paired it with some copper leaves I made, hung it from a loopty loop I made, and added turquoise, because if we are going to go color (Tracy’s favorite color is green) I may as well add my favorite color, turquoise! I added the other great lampwork beads she sent me (lampwork beads from Tracy were made by Deb Lewis.) some copper beads, a pearl, a turquoise donut, some turquoise nuggets and a wonderful silk ribbon is a wonderful shade of green that compliments the beads I got. All in all, I love this.

I call it Pine Cone honor of my sons vision!!!  LOL!

Part of the challenge when designing asymmetrical, is not just making it look nice and flow, but balancing the weight on each side, so your center remains your center. This one was tough, and using ribbon on one side is always a challenge, but it worked. It hangs perfectly!

I made it adjustable so it can be worn as a choker with a long dangly pendant or a long necklace, that hangs well below the neckline.

Now for Tracy, here is what I sent her………………………………………………………

To see what she made with it, click here!

And, last but not least, in honor of Bead Soup everywhere, here is a free shipping code for my Artisan Accents shop (where I have new wings listed), good for one week! (only for residents of the U.S....sorry)

Just use code:  beadsouprocks at checkout

And thats not all~ if you stop back here next friday, I will be having a wonderful Bead Soup Giveaway with some of my handmade components and a good stash of beads!!!!!  Mark your calendar for September 23rd and stop by to enter!!!!!

And to see what everyone else made (or try too, I know its a lot of blogs) you can follow these links!!!!

                                           Click on each name to go to their blogs.
                                                     These are the partner pairs.

The Hostess, Lori Anderson and her partner, Manuela Wutschke

19. Anna Sabina­­­­ and Erin Siegel

                                               42. Cheryl Roe and Jenny Vidberg

                                                43. Chris White and Norma Turvey

                                               44. Christa Murphy and Kathy Alderfer

                                               45. Christie Murrow and Dana James

                                             46. Christina Miles and Collette Collins

                                            47. Christine Brandel and Elizabeth Woodford

                                               48. Christine Damm and Cynthia Deis

                                           49. Christine Hendrickson and Debbie Goering

                                             51. Cilla Watkins and Johanna Rhodes

                                                 52. Cindy Wimmer and Riki Schumacher

                                                  53. CJ Baushka and Cory Celaya

                                               54. Courtney Breul and Joanna Matuszczyk


                                          136. Marina Dobrynina and Michaela Pabeschitz

140. Mary Hicks and Laurel Steven

                                           159. Rebecca Anderson and Sabrina Staub

                                                      166. Sarah Elder and Salla Small

For a total of 362 people!



  1. I absolutely love 'Pine Cone Queen', and that you've imprinted your own unique style on this bead soup challenge. PS. Sending a little something to you in the post, it's not another pine cone but will hopefully put a smile on your son's face. :)

  2. I love it. And your son sounds a little like mine who is only 3 but seems to think my beads are his beads!! :o)

  3. I love your necklace! I can see why your son liked the beautiful pine cone.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Beautiful! I love the leaves you made - is that fold forming there?

  5. Fabulous! Love that dragon's egg, um I mean pine cone. It would have been a dragon's egg in my house, lol.

  6. Ooooh lovely! I really love this color palette. that little bit of green silk ribbon makes the whole piece come ALIVE!

  7. Gorgeous, Staci! I've always admired your jewelry, and to see what you did with your bead soup components is just amazing. I would love to wear this one - in a heartbeat!

  8. I really love the use of ribbon with all the wirework--so much interesting texture. This is a necklace that people will want to touch!

    P.S. Your butterfly wings are amazing!

  9. That necklace is stunning, a real big bold statement piece!

  10. I've fallen in love with the necklace.... so cool!

  11. LOVE it! Gorgeous! Hilariously my girls were peeking over my shoulder and declared it a pine cone as well ;) Well done! And just checked out your shop... beautiful! Will definitely be back ;)

  12. This turned out lovely! I positively adore that shade of green. I could also definitely see where the pinecone vs. dragon egg debate could crop up. Great work!

  13. Cool bracelet..but What a fan-tab-u-lous job on that necklace. I just love what you did.

  14. Greeny gorgeousness! Love you leaves too. We’re all being pushed outside our comfort zones — with amazing results!

    Enjoy the hop,

  15. What a gorgeous necklace! I love your use of wire and that pretty ribbon. I can't imagine a better result from those great beads. One of my favorites!

  16. Your Bead Soup pieces are just wonderful.

  17. Never thought about green and turquoise but this is DELICIOUS!!! Love it!

  18. I love the fold form leaves and that ribbon is so pretty! Heck, the whole necklace is gorgeous! Definitely, a design fit for a queen!!

  19. I love the colors and asymmetrical design of your piece!! beautifully done!!!

  20. Love your beads and what great combos of colour you made! Great work!

  21. Wow, I knew you would rock it out and I was still blown away. I don;t know how you do it. I love the asymmetry and you do it so well. I wish I could be in your head just for a day. *Sigh*
    Someone bought my fav pair of wings, but they are all so beautiful!
    I can't wait to hop over to see what your super lucky partner made.
    Shannon C

  22. Wow!! LOVE that necklace....can totally see myself wearing that. I see why your son wanted the cute! And a pretty bracelet for your daughter, too!

  23. Very cool designs! Love that focal!!

  24. I am SO sorry for being late — today our internet provider decided to crash. My stress level is through the roof, to say the least! They’re still working on it, but it’s like dial-up.

    OMG -- your son's face looks like MY son's face when I won't give him a bead!!!!

    I LOVE what you made!

    I hope you’ll participate again!

  25. i just may deem this my favorite of the whole hoppin' good time! what an absolute beauty in every single way!

  26. Very nice job and I favorites your Etsy shop for future shopping because I love the butterfly wings!

  27. I absolutely love what you've made! Turquoise is my favourite colour too and I think the touch of ribbon really makes it. I will definitely try and stop back here for your giveaway!

  28. Your necklace is really pretty! The clasp on the bracelet looks really neat... How does it work!

  29. Looooooove is a too small word for how I feel about what you made Staci. I was sitting here saying out things loud, groaning and so on. That color combo really rocks. I am a green lady also, and I will definitely remember to add the turqouise like you did! The copper just makes it all perfect. Your looptyloops and he leaves. WOW!

  30. Love the necklace and the fact that you shared with the kids. The colors are awesome together.

  31. Gorgeous pieces, Staci! Love the necklace especially, totally you!

  32. That necklace is fantastic!! but I think that focal bead might be an

    Terrific job - I love your style!

  33. Great necklace! I love ribbon on the side and the wire circles.

  34. Your necklace is so cool! All the elements blend together beautifully. I love the texture of the silk ribbon.

  35. Love the necklace! I love how you joined all the elements. Hope the show was a success.

  36. Staci, I love how you paired the green and the turquoise together you made a really lovely necklace.

  37. The color combination is great, and I love how you used the pinecone/dragon's egg - really a lovely necklace! And what a good mommy you are to make goodies for your kids (lucky little ones!)

  38. That necklace is fantastic Staci - beautifully balanced and delicious colour combo. A really striking oiece.

  39. Beautiful!! I love the necklace!! Fantastic!

  40. Oh My Goodness, is this beautiful!!! I love everything about this necklace! The colors, the whole compositions, every single component...! A stunning piece!

  41. Pine Cone Queen is a great name. I love that you teamed the fresh greens up with turquoise and copper - they are such a great combination together. Love your necklace.

  42. Wonderful! You have created a terrific piece of wearable art. I like your use of color and texture for your necklace. I struggle with weight balance on asymmetrical designs, you did a great job! Thank you for sharing your artistic process along the way. Cheers!

  43. Great colours! That turquoise rocks the green! I love your necklace!
    Greetings, Michi

  44. wonderful colours, great pieces....

  45. Wonderful necklace! Very beautiful!

  46. This turned out great! The Pine Cone Queen necklace is really cool, you balanced it beautifully.

    Julie & Andrea

  47. What cute pieces for your children. You did a wonderful job with the 'pine cone' focal. :) I love the wire link you made to hang it and the extra color you added in with the turquoise really makes it quite colorful. Your copper leaves are great. (I've been wanting to learn how to make them to add to my things.) And the ribbon just adds to the whole look. Love the color of that ribbon, too.

  48. I love how you have married the bright green with the blue turquoise and copper. Great design, lovely necklace. Pine cone it is!

  49. What a beautiful necklace! I love the colors, the are fresh and upbeat...I am heading over to check out your Etsy, your style intrigues me!

  50. What a cool necklace! I personally like the dragon egg idea, but I totally get making the kids feel good. (Mine had lots of input in my creations!) Those leaves are just stunners. Perfect touch. Normally, I need things to contrast sharply, but all the subtle differences in the colors is really working for me. Great job!

  51. Beautiful necklace! I love the wire work and asymmetric aspect. Really fun piece. The set you made for your daughter is really sweet!

  52. Beautiful jewellery! I really like the design of the necklace: the mix of materials and techniques, the asymmetry, all of it. Great job!

  53. I just love how you build up the necklace.
    It just works perfect.

  54. Incredible! It's simple yet makes such a dramatic impact.

  55. As I am nearing the end of my Bead Soup journey, I am so thrilled to come upon your necklace. What a beautiful creation! You used such varied materials and used them perfectly!

  56. This necklace is right up my alley! I really love it. My favorite part is how beautiful the ribbon looks next to that copper leaf. The ribbon actually adds a fluttery movement to the leaf. That probably doesn't make any sense to anyone but me. Oh well. LOL. Well done!

  57. That focal is amazing. Its bright color looks really great with the copper and turquoise! I love this piece. :)

  58. Staci - your necklace is simply gorgeous! I love the colors you incorporated with the soup mix you received. The result is a necklace that can carry from summer into fall without skipping a beat - beautiful! :)

  59. I like the wire element of the design, love it!

  60. Beautiful job, Staci! Love the necklace!

  61. I am so sorry I am so late , but my computer dug in it's heels and said I'm nota-gonna go that fast:^)
    Your designs are nothing short of amazing.
    Be blessed to be a blessing

  62. your necklace is stunning, but based on what you sent your partner i jut went and bought myself a pair of your wings! i love your components, amazing work!

  63. What a wonderful necklace! Yummy colors and the balance is perfect.

  64. Truly a gorgeous piece! Love the combination of the bright green with the turquoise...and that pine cone bead is way cool. What sweet little gifts you made for your little ones - bet they love them!

  65. Really love the asymmetrical design and the different textures combined.

  66. lovely creation! Your son is adorable!

  67. i really love how the copper tones down the bright colors--and my favorite part is the loopy loops you made to dangle the pine cone from. well done!

  68. I love this necklace! I love how different the elements are, yet how cohesive they look together. Beautful!

  69. Oh my! That is GORGEOUS: Love it, love, love it!

  70. I adore the necklace you created! The colors are my favorites and your technique and use of materials makes it all the more special. I know you said that it's a pine cone. . .but ohhhhh a dragon's egg is my vote as well!!
    Wonderfully done!

  71. I love that necklace and that connectors justover the pine cone. I am so happy I found your blog, your metal working is wonderful!

  72. Your copper leaches really compliment the greens Tracy sent. And how fun that all three of you ended up with something special from this challenge.

  73. Awwww, who can resist such a cute pouty face like that!!!

    Your necklace is just gorgeous! I love how the different colors, textures and the metal components go together so nicely.

  74. You did a wonderful job with your soup. I love that you added the patina to the rings at the focal. That was brilliant!


  75. Beautiful :D The bright green and turquoise look very nice together, especially with the copper leaves to balance them out :)

    I love that you let your kids be a apart of it. and he's right.. it does look like a pine cone... a very pretty bright pine cone ;)

  76. First off, it is so cute your kiddos like beads! That is really sweet your daughter wears her bracelet.

    OMG THAT NECKLACE! Wow! I LOVE what you did with the design and the wire work with the patina?! Just WOW!

    I LOVE your work btw! I just favorited your shop! :D

  77. Oh, the greens and turquoise and copper together is just stunning. Glad you ran with your son's vision. It turned out earthy and dramatic and lovely!

  78. I love the blue and green combination...and how you did the copper rings and wiring near the focal, gorgeous job.

  79. Fantastic! :) Keep up the good work!
