
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

BEAD SOUP has arrived!

If you don't know what bead soup is, please click the link to the right "Bead Soup Blog Party" to read all about it!!!!  Its a good time!

While I was on vacation, my bead soup arrived.  I don't know if I was happier to be home or open my soup!  But first, let me tell you about my partner.

Lori paired me up with Tracy Stillman, who lives in Australia!  I was so excited to have a partner from so far away.  I asked Tracy to share a little bit of what she does for a living, and her beading life.

This is what she said,  "I actually work in employee communications full-time, so jewelry for me is more of a hobby and something I love to do whenever I have any spare time. And, as much as I love creating with beads and making jewelry, I also love writing so I have the best of both worlds I think. My perfect job would probably be in a marketing communications role for a bead magazine or large beading supplies company - there just aren't many of them in Australia! I did own an online bead business from 2005-2008 and yes, I wrote a few bead related articles which still pop up in google's search engine."

I think Tracy and I are a great match, because I love to read what others write.  Writing is truly a talent, and I hope she does get to do her dream job someday.

Here are some creations by Tracy.  I love her variety, and how she really finishes her pieces from the very front, to the little details on the back.

So that is Tracy (very nice to meet her, isn't it?).....and she sent me some cool bead soup.  She told me it was her favorite color, but would tell me what that was.  Well, its...........................


Look at the great textures in these beads and that clasp.  I Love me some texture!!!!

That focal is so cool to hold, I love the feel of lampwork beads, though I will be honest, I rarely know what to do with them in my jewelry.  So this is a good challenge for me.  Its also a bit bright for my color pallette, but that is the point, right?  I really do like being challenged, and my brain is spinning with ideas for this one!

I hope she gets my soup soon.  I am nervous shipping all the way to Australia, since there is NO insurance or delivery confirmation.  (if you were around for the last party, you may remember my soup got lost, WITH delivery confirmation only a few states was confirmed delivery to the wrong state, and no one could tell me where it went:(...but anyway)
..........fingers crossed.................................and I hope she likes it!
Soup is on people!


  1. I love her work, and I really like what she sent! You'll have some fun!

  2. Oh, I LOVE the color of the beads. Crazy as it sounds it's similar to the paint color in my bonus room. =) I'd wish you luck but I know whatever you create will be gorgeous!
