
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer Summer Summer Fun!

So, Tinicum Arts Festival was last weekend, and I just love that show.  Shady spots under trees, GREAT vendors to chat with, very friendly.....white elephant tent and book sale too.  Its just plain fun.  I am always against the red barn in section B-2 somewhere.  This was my display this year.  I keep tweaking it just a little.
Have I mentioned how much I love my table covering????  I am so happy I found it.  It's not only beautiful, but it is just soooooooo my style!  I love circles and dots, and you will see them in my work often.  One customer said that my table covering is what drew her to my tent.
An old friend stopped by and bought this bracelet.  Doesn't it look like it was made for her?  Can you see it?  Its a blue butterfly cuff brings out her eyes~ totally!
Thanks Alyssa!
The summer is flying by, and we have been busy with picnics and friends.  The fourth of july weekend, we had two cookouts to attend, and the kids and us had fun at both.  My oldest son broke his toe on Monday- the 4th jumping into the pool though.  Summer fun = summer injuries.
Sunday after Tinicum Arts Festival we went to the free concert in the park in Quakertown.  My mom took the kids on the playground there, and, well, another injury.
She wacked her eyebrow on a low entrance on the big wooden playground.   POOR thing.  I know that hurt!  She actually has a scar on the opposite side, same spot.  I am begining to wonder if she forgets she is tall for 6 years old!
She is a real trooper, and hasn't let it slow her down at all.  We keep teasing her and saying she didn't have to hurt her eye so it would look like she has eyeshadow on!  (she gets a kick outta that)  Its pretty purple now- but less swelled.  My son is already running on his broken toe a week later too.  So~ summer goes on.  Hoping all summer fun equals nothing more then minor injuries. 

Today- we play in the kiddie pool with cousins.  Summer fun.  Lovin it!

What does summer fun mean to you and your family?


  1. SHADY -- key word to happiness. And oh poor kidlet! Hope she's better soon!

  2. Your booth looks great! I love that fabric too - wish I could find something like that in aqua.
    Just a thought - maybe your little one needs glasses? I know two of my grandchildren were always banging themselves on one thing or another, and it was discovered they needed glasses, and all is well now.

  3. Summer fun means no school...... I am always conflicted with wanting the school year to rush by when we are nearing the end since I do not want to rush life.... Then summer comes and it always rushes by. Most summers, however, I've been ready to return. It's been a good few years. There were a few years though, where my only relief from the 10 out of 23 students I had who were "troubled" was raiding the cupboards when I got home. Not sure why I did that.... it only added more stress. Were you expecting a book or did you just want a few words to answer your question???? LOL
