
Monday, July 25, 2011

Shop Update.....Life Update.............

So, I will finally be getting around to lisitng some components today in my Artisan Accents Shop!  Stop by and check out this batch of wings and sea side charms!  Lots of blues this time around...PLUS, a giant sea urchin focal you don't want to miss!

Life Update:  Well, I feel so very busy this summer, and yet, we haven't done anything grand.  I guess we are just trying to spend lots of time with family and friends.  And ya know what?  Thats fine.  I sometimes think we need to have a list of all these great things we did, and places we went.........but why????  My husbands work is REALLY slow right now.  We can't just spend money on day trips and museums and aquariums.  But ya know, we are having a blast this summer.  The kids are making new friends, learning to swim, and going to the library every week, where we can learn about fish and art work.  AND, if this heat ever breaks, we will go "creeking" and hiking.....finding critters and then learning about them first hand.  (for those who do not know, because I may have made that word up, creeking is hiking up the creek, IN the creek...we take everyone, even the two dogs).

Someday we will make it to the Museum and Aquarium with the whole crew.  But for now, I am happy.  They are happy.  Life is good.

I am loving that my youngest child is almost 5, and we can just pack up and go where ever we want, without much planning at all.  *sigh*  Its so nice.  Hello outside world, I missed you!!!!!

(there he is, my not so little guy)
This new freedom is allowing me to do more with the business too.  Though I am totally slacking this summer, due to beautiful days and super cute kids, I did get out of the house to teach a class on Saturday, at Beads of a Feather, in East Greenville Pa.  It was just a sea glass and shell drilling demonstration, and then some quick pendant and necklace ideas with the pieces.  I loved it.  We had a great turn out, and I can really see it being something I would like to do more of.  I had fun with the ladies, who brought their own beach treasures, and we Oooooo'd and Aaaahhhhh'd over each others finds.  I am sorry that I didn't get pictures.  I was having too much fun and totally forgot!

I only have one goal this year....LEARN.  Learn to make my business successful.  Learn to balance that business with family.  Learn to make new and better beads and jewelry.  Most of all, I want to Learn to be happy and thankful with what I have...because its alot, no matter what I can tend to think, I am truly rich and blessed, and busy, and happy. 

To share in the happiness, I will be having a giveaway on Wednesday, along with a bead table update.  So stop back and check it out.

Take time.  Enjoy.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  Its all small stuff.  Love.


  1. Learn. What a great word for the year! I think that I need to learn something new every day! I don't get to go anyplace that is not baseball related in the summer... every weekend from June-July it is another baseball tournament. So our big trip was about an hour and a half away to a one night stay in a hotel. But it was good to be with this 'baseball family' nonetheless. I wish that we could take a weeks vacation and go to the beach or a resort like my sisters' family. But I am not sure that we would all get along if we had to stare at only each other for a whole week! Maybe someday... I wish that I could be at home with my kids and take them places. This is the summer of boredom and laundry my kids would likely say. We have tried, but it hasn't stuck and it is hard when I have to work most days at a job that is mind-numbingly boring (but it is a job, so don't get me wrong). Thanks for sharing all the fun you are having! Enjoy the day!
