
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Post Show Weekend: Things to be Thankful For ~And Lots of Pictures

I am thankful for........................
1.  You guys.  I am so thankful for all your compliments, support and encouragment.  I don't know why I doubt myself so much.  I love my work.  You love my work.  Yet I still worry no one else will.  I am working on my confidence, and you guys have been great!  So thanks, from the bottom of my heart.

2.  A good show.  Whew!  It was a lot of work to get ready for it, since I have really slacked off in the sea glass department this year.  But the festival was good.  Lots of nice people (I really enjoyed DE VERY MUCH!) and I sold some of my favorite items.  I hope they love and enjoy them.  (here are some DE bay and canal pics)

DE Bay Beach

View from dinner at Gilligans

3.  Great weather.  I could not have wished for a more perfect weekend.  Mid 80's, a nice breeze, AND my tent was under a tree in the shade (and on the corner- prime spot). 

4.  I came home to find that I was picked for the Art Bead Scene designer of the week.  So I am thankful for that honor.  I really liked my piece I made for that challenge, and I am glad they did too.

5.  I got asked to join Love my Art Jewelry.  I am so excited to be a part of that!  I love their blog, and the fabulous ladies who make it so personable, and informative. 

6.  For my husband, who helped me all weekend, starting with driving me to and from DE, AND thanks to his quick reflexes, kept up from getting hit by a tractor trailer!!!!  (he was great company too!)

7.  I am thankful for the Vesuvio Motel.  It was a great price, and the owner was so nice!  I love a little family owned business.  We talked taxes and owning our own business's, and we left feeling like we made a friend there.  PLUS- we could walk to everything.  The bay, all the restauraunts, and the festival itself.  Nice place.  I highly reccomend it.  No frills, but clean, close, free parking, and a nice little business.

8.  For a walk on the beach.  On monday, before traveling home, Justin and I visited Henlopen Cape and hit the beach for a hike.  We walked about 3 miles round trip (during said walk, I thought I was dying~ yes~ I need to walk a little more, boy am I outta shape), taking pics of the historic ruins of the old Army base that used to be there, and the GIANT dunes.  We also got to see dolphins swimming a long the coast on our walk back.
Can you see the tiny people in this pic for size comparison?  The dune was a mountain!

9.  For being home.  I got the greeting of a queen.  First from my youngest, who couldn't seem to hug me enough, then the older two.  And I cannot forget the dogs.  My Jackson must have jumped and danced and licked me for an hour!  He is such a sweetie!

10.  And last but not least- for the grandparents who cared for our kids while we were away.  They did so much fun stuff with them, and I could relax knowing they were in safe and loving hands while we were gone.  They played in the pool with their cousins, went to a movie, went to great grandmoms for ice cream and snacks, rode bikes (which their pop adjusted seats, took off training wheels and oiled them for us)....just to name a few.  They had a blast and so did we.

All in all, we met lots of fun people~ many from PA who now reside in DE.  We found a favorite place for wings and beers, with fun people there each day.

Jerry's Seafood~ best wings in town

It has a great old ceiling~ lots of original architecture in this town.  Loved it!

I met some local folks (local as in here in pa) who may want to carry my jewelry in their shop, and a fun old guy who sold beach glass and antiques~~

 I could not get enough of his southern twang, and sincere love for what he does, which is sell stuff to folks like us.  He made me laugh and I just loved his character.  I love doing shows.  All the work is hard, but I love to meet new people, and DE was a great experience all around.  I will surely do that show again.  Here are some more pics of the show, and some of the work I made for it.  Enjoy!

I had a corner booth~ such a sweet spot

this was my view out the front / side

these were my neighbors to my back

They had a little picnic area and there were more vendors up front- beyond those trees

Here is a close up of the sea glass guys table- there were treasures to be found in there, and I bought some of them.

Now- for the jewelry.  Some of it sold, and some will move on to Tinicum with me.
Love this one~ it sold.

These are rare colors on silver circles

Below: I have one similar to this, that may not leave my neck for a long time.  This one will be at Tinicum.

I think I still have this one too.




still available (I think)

still have this one- great colors!!!

below: still have this, but forgot to take pics of the two butterfly necklaces I did sell.

The color is so rich on this one- still have it too

below: still have this one too~kinda like my keeper as well.

may have sold that one



I am so glad that I took pictures before the show.  I forget all the time, and it seems like those are the ones that sell.  Then I never have a picture record of them. 

I did get a picture of this one below~ I had to make it at the show after I sold a butterfly necklace I took along, then made another (that one had a full moon baby on it) and sold it just as I put it out.  Then I made sure to make this and get a picture.  I guess I better make some wings for Tinicum!
I still have the one above.  I really like the wings with the sea glass. 

One more thing, something I am not thankful for, but I am trying to find the good of it, and will be sharing about it later. I had my first item stolen from me, and it was a special and expensive piece.  I am composing a blog about the experience, to be shared soon. 

Thanks again.  You guys rock.  Now I can go and spend some time with those kids and dogs who I missed so much!


  1. everything looks amazing!!!!! I loved reading about your trip.. hate to hear about your experience with theft..but yes, it happened to alot of people at the show over the weekend in Baltimore too. It hurts...but don't let it influence you and how you are with people...its just an incident that happened.. and hopefully will never happen again! How did you EVER??? EVER??? EVER?? think straight, knowing those seaglass sellers were there.. I would have been diving head first into that table! LOL

    beautiful work staci and congrats on all your success!

  2. Beautiful necklaces - I love, love, love the way you put things together. No matter how hard I try, I always end up symetrical, I think it must be something about being anal about everything - lol! I keep trying.

  3. Amazing Staci! Really!Lot's of happy jewelry owners out there~ I saw the sign for this when I was leaving the beach....never put two and two together. Glad you had a great show ~ helps boost the morale huh!

  4. Yay! So happy that the ammonite piece sold for you Staci! It's beautiful as is all of your work. I love your style! Sorry also for the theft incident. It's an awful feeling in the pit of your stomach, I know. With the good, comes the bad...I'm sure much more good is coming your way! Enjoy your family!

  5. Your both is beautiful, your jewelry is AMAZING and you being thankful for so much is absolutely fantastic! Job well done and you should be very proud of yourself.

  6. Geez, I meant to say booth, not both. Apparently I've not had enough coffee this morning...

  7. Wow, I am really impressed with your jewelry and all the hard work you do! Bravo!

  8. I love your work, Staci. Thank you for sharing the experience of the show. It's so much more work than some people think. Again, thank you for all your informational material on the blog. Plus, it's such a good record for you!
