
Friday, May 13, 2011

I am listing jewelry in my etsy shop. Oh yeah, its true.

It feels like its been ages since I listed jewelry in my etsy shop.....but I am doing it.  Bracelets to be extact, and one really awesome necklace made with an Artisan Clay component.  I will try to list more regularly in both my shops, promise;)  It is definitely an area I struggle with in my business.

Oh, and to celebrate- free shipping on my jewelry shop for one week!  Use coupon code OHYEAHFREESHIP to receive the discount.

So- listing online is a real struggle for me, I want to have all my inventory with me as I travel to shows, but I am trying to be better about it. 

Where do you find you struggle to keep up with your art?

1 comment:

  1. Yay for listing in your shop!! I know that needing-to-list-but-needing-the-inventory-for-shows feeling all too well! I'm doing more shows this year and I can't help but worry if I'll have enough. I have bunches and bunches of stuff packed up and there sits my shop with barely two pages of inventory.... yeah, I really need to work on that problem! My other big struggle: blogging! I must be one of the worlds worst bloggers!

    I love your new bracelets! Making bracelets is my new thing for the year and they're fast becoming my favorite thing to make... but you'd never know it from my blog! ;-)

    Good luck with your shops and your shows! Your work is gorgeous!
