
Friday, March 25, 2011

RAW~ The Ring a Week Challenge

So, I joined a group on flickr called RAW.  The challenge is to make a ring a week for a year.  I am not so optimistic, but I will try!!!  I love making rings (and wearing them).  I have been seeing other artists reveal thier cool rings week after week, and I want to play too.

So here is my first ring RAW2011~1 : Wrangled

It is made with etched copper (I cannot wait to post a good tutorial on how to do it safely, and environmentally~ and in a way that won't break the bank...but I am still working out the kinks).
It was simply cut, filed, riveted closed, hole punched, pearl added, wire accented. 
It reminds me of a ranch, where a bull was just wrangled by the horns. is "Wrangled".

Flickr is such a great place to share, and find inspiration.  What is your favorite Flickr group?


  1. I love your ring - good luck with "RAW"!

  2. Great ring! I thionk I have to join that group. Just posted about my new fav ring I just made:-)

  3. RAW designs are so creative and I love browsing! Great ring!

  4. Thanks for the encouragement. I will tell you, I make things, and fall in love with them, and then I have a panic moment, where I think "what if no one else likes it". So its always nice to hear your kind words.
    I think the RAW challenge will be good for me. I need a push, because I can tend to get sidetracked, and I always sell rings. So a new ring design each week is a good thing (and fun too)....AND I can keep the ones that aren't sell-able!
    You guys should try it too. The more the merrier!

  5. Wow, what a very cool and unusual ring. You never see beauty like this in stores. Love it!
