
Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Hearts and a Lightbox

I have been working like mad to make a bunch of heart necklaces for Valentines Day this year!  AND, I am also working on making my own components in copper, bronz and giving them very cool colored patina's.  Well- it has gone something like this, cut the copper hearts, file, stamp, solder two together, make bronz components, pickle, tumble, patina, spray coat, wax, create into a necklace.  So on any given day of late, you can find things in all stages of this process all over my studio!  And it looks something like this...

Here are some sneak peaks, but the pics are not too great, I have to work on the lighting.

I am calling these two (above and below) "Tear Stained Hearts" since the patina kinda looks "teary". 

I have always used natural light to take my pics, and with all the snow and ice, that has been hard to come by, soooooooo, I made a light box.  It needs some work, but at least I can get some pics anytime I want to.  I just googled "build your own lightbox" and found a couple different tutorials that I thought I could do using stuff I already had.......its a box, tracing paper, and bristol board (and tape).  Real high tech, I know!  Anyway- it is what I used for the above pics. 

Thats what I have been up to.  Not much else.  Just hearts, hearts and more hearts.  I hope you like them?  Have you made any designs for valentines day?


  1. that is so funny that you and I created almost the same style necklace w/o ever seeing each others! I love yours, so beautiful!!!

  2. Thanks. I have been working on them for weeks, and when I saw yours today, it was funny. I'm telling you, great minds think alike:) (Hearts and circles just seem to go well together). Congrats again on your sale. Hopefull I can sell some this week too!

  3. I love the hearts! You know, I'm usually so exhausted from the Christmas rush I totally forget to prepare for a web upload of Valentine's day things. Boo on me!

    Wait. That's Halloween.

  4. Lori- this is my FIRST year to have things ready for V-day! I am usually fried until March after the holidays! I think the new studio inspired me to get my act together this year.

  5. Awesome Staci! I love your in process shots--- and the hospital BLANKET! Ha! Makes me feel all warm inside!

  6. Kristie- soo funny you picked that out! I cut up all (ok, most...I did keep some for sentimental reasons) of my receiving blankets. I had tons of them. Since I had 3 reflux babies- they were my burp cloths and I bought sooo many of them at thrift shops to have enough on hand at all times.

    They make great shop rags, and are very absorbent. I try to use them ILO papertowels when I can.
