
Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Bead Soup Has arrived!

My partner for the Bead Soup Blog Party, Lynda Moseley of Diva Designs finally got her loot!  Here is the beautiful picture she posted on her blog!
I love to make those pouches- I use felt that is made from recycled plastics, and then little pieces of fabric left over from sewing project.  I even picked up some sari fabrics~ because they are just so beautiful!  I plan to make more this year for special purchases.

Since Lynda got her stuff so late, I hope she can make the bead hop!  Lets all send her some positive beady energy so she can get it all done!

Here are some pics that I took of what I sent. I had so much fun putting these together.  First is a fine silver "Keshi Bloom" pendant (my signature design) with a mix of silver, pearls, labradorite, ect....
Next is a handmade gemstone pendant with a mix of beads and pearls.  The main pendant is ocean jasper....I am really into the whites and browns this year.

And then are the pics of the package that never made it.  I am sad that someone may have kept this, even though it didn't belong to them.  I was really happy about this set too..........oh well.  Perhaps it did get sent back, and it's just in post office limbo.  Maybe Lynda will get it later this year....could be a nice surprise for her, right???  (in case you didn't know, my first package I sent Lynda was sent to the wrong person...even with delivery confirmation).

This batch had a bronz and copper focal and clasp- with a matching patina that I made for her.  I wanted it to look old.....kina like ancient ruins.  I made the clasp so she could either do a hook or toggle.  I really hope this still ends up on her doorstep someday.

I will be working on my creation(s) this weekend.  I have been sketching, and have a good idea of where I am going with my soup!


  1. Very cool goodies. And I wish I knew what happened to that first box! You guys weren't the only ones with post office woes, either. What's up with the PO?

  2. I think the post office must be worn out from the holidays or something. Early spring break??

  3. I can imagine all the wondrous works of art you are about to create with this gorgeous stash of goodies! I'll look forward to seeing your lovely creations!
