
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

So many fun things going on!

I woke this morning, got my coffee, got the kids off to school ( was that kind of morning) and checked facebook to see what was new.  There is some exciting stuff going on today I thought I would share.  I found out that Beads of Clay did an interview with one of my favorite ceramic bead artists, Lisa can read it here.  I loved how she talked about her inspiration just coming as she was creating, because I find that to be the way I often design.  I think I have patterns and colors and shapes that I love and have seen in everyday life, and I have tucked them away in my mind, and they come out as I sit down at the table and look at the beads.  Or I just have a feeling that has to be made into form somehow.  Her beads in particular, are very inspiring for me, and I often find myself designing around them- as the artistic center of the piece.  Great interview with a wonderful artist!

THEN, as if that was not cool enough, the Sisterhood of the Traveling Beads is on the move again!  It is a super fun destash project for us bead addicts started by Heather Powers of HumbleBeads.  You can read about its origins here, and find the most current stop (Cindy Gimbrone aka Lampwork Diva), and how to enter to win here.  I keep hoping that someday I get to trade / destash with this wonderful box.  So check it out, enter, and good luck!


  1. I am sitting here reading these things too! I would love to peak into that box too! The fabulosity that must be in there...
    Shannon C
    I am having a giveaway on blog and I would love if you would stop by:

  2. Cool! I totally stopped by your blog and entered. I think I may follow it, you have such a knack for writing, it was beautiful to read:)

  3. Hi Stacie, thanks so much for dropping by, really appreciate you entering my contest. Your work is great, and I love your energy. Have a wonderful new year. Riki
